Measure Understanding Against High Expectations

...our real concern shouldn’t be whether today’s grades are more lax...but rather, whether they accurately assess student learning.
— The 12 touchstones of good teaching: a checklist for staying focused every day

Several studies on modern grading point to the fact that students are earning higher grades for the same, or sometimes lower, levels of learning.  If this is the case then we must ask what the grades represent. Do they represent a student’s actual ability or lax grading practices of teachers (Goodwin & Hubbell, 2013)?

According to Alfie Kohn (2011) grades create three big problems.  First, they tend to make students care less and lose interest in the topic that is being graded.  They also tend to make students choose the easiest task instead of the more challenging one. And finally, they simply bring down the quality of the student’s thinking.

Knowing this, we can focus on creating formative assessments that will actually progress the learning of students.  Laura Thomas outlines some (fourty!) interesting tools in her article “7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment” (2019). She suggests using entrance or exit slips to check understanding in the first or last few minutes of class either on paper or through a digital service. In addition to getting some quick data, it also fulfills the check box of making the most of every minute (Goodwin & Hubble, 2013).  Some other tools include low stakes quizzes, interview assessments, and self assessments. Click on the button below to connect to all her suggestions.

Understanding and Expectations Resources


Goodwin, B., & Hubble, E. R. (2013). The 12 touchstones of good teaching: a checklist for staying focused every day. ASCD, McREL International.

Kohn, A. (2011, November). The Case Against Grades. Educational Leadership. Retrieved from

Thomas, L. (2019, April). 7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment. Edutopia. Retrieved from