Just In Time Lesson Three - Copyright

Click the image below to download your copyright and fair use cards!

JIT Lesson Three Summary

This weeks assignment thoughtfully pointed out that most of the time discussions and lessons on copyright happen in the moment.  Meaning here that often a question or discussion of fair use or copyright happens because a student or teacher has used or is trying to use a piece of copyrighted material.  This relates directly to standard 2c of ISTE when we ask students to show an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of using intellectual property (ISTE, 2019). 

Since these lessons tend to be more situational, I have created a set of five cards that help teachers by giving them some information on topics surrounding copyright and a quick activity to demonstrate the point to the students.  This is a resource that teachers can have on hand, either in print or digitally to guide students in those moments when a question arises.

The cards contain quick activities that will be helpful in being culturally responsive around the idea of copyright.  A few of the activities ask students to create a piece of art or writing on any topic allowing students of all types to make a quick expression of themselves.  This is done as a class and has their individual touch. This relates directly to collective and individual work that is a tenant of culturally responsive teaching (Howard, n.d.).  One card also points to the fact that respecting copyright is an expression of respect and fairness practiced by the students. It also points out that their work is deserving of the same fairness and respect.


Creative Commons. (2020). When we share, everyone wins. Retrieved from https://creativecommons.org/

Creative Commons. (2020). About The Licenses. Retrieved from https://creativecommons.org/licenses/

Harris, B. (2018, March 22). 3 Great Lesson Plans on Copyright. Retrieved from https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/3-great-lesson-plans-on-copyright.

Howard, G. (n.d). The seven principles for culturally responsive teaching. Retrieved from https://btrapani.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/edu-5105-the-seven-principles-for-culturally-responsive-teaching.pdf

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2019). The ISTE Standards. Retrieved from https://www.iste.org/standards.

Kiddle Encyclopedia. (2019, November 21). Copyright facts for kids. Retrieved from https://kids.kiddle.co/Copyright