Just In Time Lesson Four - Tech Solutions

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JIT Lesson Four Summary

American author and motivational speaker Denis Waitly once said “Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised” (n.d).  That is what this lesson is all about. As educators, we follow this model often. Knowing our students and expecting the best of them is part of our role as caring demanders and we are often surprised by our students in both good and not-as-good ways.  Planning for the worst allows us to be prepared in those not-so-good moments, especially surrounding technology and the modern classroom.

In this lesson, there are two tools for teachers and students when the worst case scenario becomes a reality.  The first item in the set is a matrix for use by teachers. The matrix contains some common situations when using technology, some examples of each including red flags, some fast solutions and contacts, and finally a section on software, actions and materials or SAM.  The matrix is designed for quick reference in the case that one of these issues arises. The digital version contains links to articles and other resources for teachers. There is also a print version for teachers to hang in the classroom for fast reference.

The second tool is a brief slide show (See Below) that can be used as a lesson for students on the same topics in the matrix.  The slideshow is themed after the important words on the cover of the all knowing book in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Adams, 1994): Don’t Panic!  This can be a great reminder to both students and teachers in a sticky technological situation.

This lesson speaks most pertinently to the ISTE standard 6b for educators that asks them to manage the use of technology in different platforms (ISTE, 2019).  Part of managing systems of technology will be to understand the issues that can occur and have a plan to solve them. Both tools are designed with inclusivity in mind and reinforce academic development through technology (Howard, n.d.).

By having a plan in place for the technological problems that may arise, we can truly fulfil the wise advice of Mr. Waitly.  Although we as educators can never know exactly what to expect, the best we can do is to plan and search out the best and most surprising parts of the joyous work of teaching.

JIT Lesson Four Outline

  1. Student Misuse

    • Student use problems

    • Student use solutions

  2. Access and Network

    • Network problems

    • Network solutions

  3. Hardware

    • Hardware problems

    • Hardware solutions

  4. Software

    • Software problems

    • Software solutions

  5. Phishing

    • What is phishing

    • Red flags

    • Phishing solutions

  6. Malware

    • What is malware

    • Red flags

    • Malware solutions

  7. Ransomeware

    • What is ransomeware

    • Red flags

    • Ransomeware solutions


Adams, D. (1994). The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. London, UK: Heinemann.

Denis Waitley Quotes. (n.d.). allauthor.com. Retrieved January 27, 2020, from allauthor.com https://allauthor.com/quote/107957/

Federal Trade Commission. (2019, December 19). How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams. Retrieved from https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-recognize-and-avoid-phishing-scams

Google. (2019). Grow with Google. Retrieved from https://grow.google/

Howard, G. (n.d). The seven principles for culturally responsive teaching. Retrieved from https://btrapani.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/edu-5105-the-seven-principles-for-culturally-responsive-teaching.pdf

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2019). The ISTE Standards. Retrieved from https://www.iste.org/standards.

Kim, B. (2013, September 4). How to solve the 10 most common tech support problems yourself. PC World. Retrieved from https://www.pcworld.com/article/2047667/how-to-solve-the-10-most-common-tech-support-problems-yourself.html

Modan, N. (2020, January 3). Recent school ransomware attacks highlight need for ongoing vigilance. Education Dive. Retrieved from https://www.educationdive.com/news/recent-school-ransomware-attacks-highlight-need-for-ongoing-vigilance/569710/

Owen, M. (2019, December 6). Common PC Hardware Problems. Retrieved from https://www.remosoftware.com/info/common-pc-hard-ware-problems

Rubenking, N. J. (2018, November 26). 7 Signs You Have Malware and How to Get Rid of It. PC Mag. Retrieved from https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/7-signs-you-have-malware-and-how-to-get-rid-of-it

Woodford, C. (2018, December 25). How do computer networks work? Retrieved from https://www.explainthatstuff.com/howcomputernetworkswork.html