Sound Lesson Plan Agenda

One hour (60 minutes) per class

  • Introduction to the topic of Sound and expectations.

    • Ask and discuss the class the guiding question: What sounds do hear of in your life? Connection (5 minutes)

    • Ask and discuss the class the guiding question: How is sound made? Curiosity    (5 minutes)

  • Present the definitions.

    • Give the understand statement information: sound is caused by the movement or vibration of matter (or an object). Vibration Video.  Coaching (3 minutes)

    • Give the definition of vibrate: Vibrate means to move back and forth because of some force.  Vibration VideoCoaching (3 minutes)

  • Show Short Video on sound.  Concentration, Connection, and Context (4 minutes)

  • Play the Rhythm Exercise Game.  Coherence (5 minutes) *

    • Explain that we are making different parts of our self and the things around us vibrate to create sound.

  • Explain engineering our invention.

    • What is an engineer?  Coaching (5 minutes)

      • Ask the guiding question: What is an engineer?

      • Give the definition: designs and tests objects or processes to solve problems and help people.  Thinks creatively using math and science.

    • Engineering Design Process.  Coaching and Coherence (5 minutes)

      • Introduce the process.

      • Explain the building of the model. Give choices of materials.

  • Build the model/invention.  Curiosity and Concentration (15 minutes)*

    • Check in every 5 minutes or so.

  • Test the invention.  Coherence and Context (10 minutes)

    • Using a decibel meter app students will test the volume of the sound.

    • Students will count in seconds how long the sound lasts.

    • Record the findings.

*Time for processing

Videos from the agenda:


Fluke Corporation. (2011, June 23).  Vibration. See the unseen: Cymbal at 1,000 frames per second. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gogoll, A. (2017, September 6). Stringscapes: Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar [Video file]. Retrieved from

Scishow Kids (2015, December 14). What is Sound? Retrieved from