Sound Lesson Plan Agenda
One hour (60 minutes) per class
Introduction to the topic of Sound and expectations.
Ask and discuss the class the guiding question: What sounds do hear of in your life? Connection (5 minutes)
Ask and discuss the class the guiding question: How is sound made? Curiosity (5 minutes)
Present the definitions.
Give the understand statement information: sound is caused by the movement or vibration of matter (or an object). Vibration Video. Coaching (3 minutes)
Give the definition of vibrate: Vibrate means to move back and forth because of some force. Vibration Video. Coaching (3 minutes)
Show Short Video on sound. Concentration, Connection, and Context (4 minutes)
Play the Rhythm Exercise Game. Coherence (5 minutes) *
Explain that we are making different parts of our self and the things around us vibrate to create sound.
Explain engineering our invention.
What is an engineer? Coaching (5 minutes)
Ask the guiding question: What is an engineer?
Give the definition: designs and tests objects or processes to solve problems and help people. Thinks creatively using math and science.
Engineering Design Process. Coaching and Coherence (5 minutes)
Introduce the process.
Explain the building of the model. Give choices of materials.
Build the model/invention. Curiosity and Concentration (15 minutes)*
Check in every 5 minutes or so.
Test the invention. Coherence and Context (10 minutes)
Using a decibel meter app students will test the volume of the sound.
Students will count in seconds how long the sound lasts.
Record the findings.
*Time for processing
Videos from the agenda:
Fluke Corporation. (2011, June 23). Vibration. See the unseen: Cymbal at 1,000 frames per second. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Gogoll, A. (2017, September 6). Stringscapes: Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar [Video file]. Retrieved from
Scishow Kids (2015, December 14). What is Sound? Retrieved from